Sunday, August 20, 2006
Chronicles of TJC Cricket Episode 1
Ok so here's what usually happens at our cricket training. Haha, this was sometime in the earlier parsts of the year when there was competitions.
So first of all, we run one BIG round around the pitch. After everyone finishes, we realise that we are down by one person. We look all around the pitch just to see Ishaan near the sidescreen which is miles away from the end point, which is also the start point which incidentally...ok i should stop now.
Anyway, we just shake our heads and go to do our usual stretching. Then our coach comes around to give us short catches. Here are the things that are sure to happen even if the world is flat and the sky falls down:
1) Ishaan will miss the ball at least 5 times and shout as if he had been hit by a Shoaib Malik cracker.
2) Siva will get ultra hyper and horny
3) Sansthav will go 'yep yep yep' and crash into the person standing next to him
4) Balaji will catch all the balls given to him
5) Bala will do a slow-mo dive, shouting 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' as he goes down to catch the ball, just to realise its going above him and he dived too early.
The above mentioned are just for the year ones.
As for the year twos, this is what will happen for long catches.:
1) Nishanth will do his special 'crocodile' style catch, which got me my 2nd wicket against VJC. Haha, thx dude!
2) Bharat runs in with his pants up to his belly button and cataches the ball...no wait he just dropped it. Arh well. (haha, joking only ah bro, no tension!)
3) Anurak runs allll the way from the boundary with a straight poker face and catches the ball. Nothing much lah.
4) Gwen Seng! Haha, he'll run in, then realise its going back, so run back, then stand below it and catch it, drop it, catch it again and drop it again. Ah seng lah that one.
5) Rao. Tejas Rao. He'll run in like a duck, put his hands out, and hopes the ball falls in. But hey, the odds were quite high. Like 1 in 100000000000000000000000000000000 only. No wait, in the words of mr goh, ONY.
6) Balasundram Sundrbalan. Rakesh. He'll jog if its too far, but catch it its just nice. Typical Shikare. No wait, typical Balasundram Sundrabala.
7) Here is the grand finale. Shikare. Tejas Shikare. Here's what happens. The typical Shikare of the genus DUMBO run towards a ball which is high in the air. He knows there's no one around him, and shouts MINE in a really high pitch. After which, he says that saliva was stuck in his throat. Sigh. Thus, if u ever come across this particular species, it is strongly advised that u steer clear of it, or it might just shout MINE into ur ear.
Hahaha, kk sry shikare, its all a joke. Please everyone, he is a good fella. Haha.
And so ends episode one of the TJC cricket chronicles. Stay tuned for more of the mundane adventures of TJC Cricket Club.
Balaji aka the Great aka the FUTURE CAPTAIN aka mr hotness aka the shirtless one aka... ok, i'll stop now
Raghav |6:34 AM